Restorative Justice Program

  • July 19, 2023

Brief Description:
The StudioFive10 Restorative Practices Program is designed to create a supportive, safe, and empathetic school environment through proactive restorative interventions. By emphasizing relationship-building and conflict resolution, the program seeks to reduce disciplinary actions, promote personal growth, and cultivate a culture of understanding and collaboration within the school community.

Program Objectives

  • Provide Ongoing Training for School Personnel:
    Deliver training and coaching sessions for teachers, staff, and school personnel to enhance their understanding of restorative practices and classroom management, equipping them to effectively implement restorative approaches within the school.
  • Foster a Supportive School Environment:
    Conduct Classroom Peacemaking Circles and Restorative Conversations regularly to build a positive classroom culture, aiming to reduce disruptions and decrease office referrals for behavioral issues.
  • Enhance Conflict Resolution Skills:
    Facilitate Harm Circles, Support Circles, and Conflict Mediation Circles to help students repair relationships and develop conflict resolution skills, aiming to reduce repeated conflicts among participants.
  • Support Students Affected by Bullying:
    Implement Support Circles for students who have experienced bullying, ensuring that each participant receives a Restorative Action Plan or Behavior Management Contract to guide their recovery and integration.
  • Provide Successful Re-entry for Returning Students:
    Facilitate Re-entry Circles for students returning from suspensions, expulsions, or incarceration, with the objective of easing their transition and reducing recidivism rates.
  • Reduce Disciplinary Actions:
    Implement restorative interventions school-wide to decrease the frequency of suspensions, expulsions, and other punitive measures, promoting a more restorative approach to discipline.


Program Components:

  • Restorative Interventions:
    • Harm Circles: Facilitate the repair of relationships affected by misconduct, encouraging those responsible to acknowledge their actions and make amends.
    • Support Circles: Provide targeted support for students who have experienced bullying, including follow-up and the creation of Restorative Action Plans or Behavior Management Contracts.
    • Conflict Mediation Circles: Resolve interpersonal disputes without a clear victim through collaborative exploration and resolution.
    • Classroom Peacemaking Circles: Address classroom disruptions by facilitating communication between educators, affected students, and those responsible, leading to constructive engagement.
    • Re-entry Circles: Support students returning to school after suspensions, expulsions, or incarceration, easing their transition back into the school community.
  • Training and Coaching:
    • StudioFive10 provides ongoing training and coaching sessions for teachers, staff, and other school or organizational personnel.
    • Workshops are offered to students, staff, parents, and the community to enhance understanding and support for restorative and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) practices.
  • Collaboration with Stakeholders:
    • Active participation in school CARE team meetings to support restorative practices.
    • Consultation with principals and staff to effectively address behavioral expectations and student needs.
  • Data Collection and Evaluation:
    • Regular data collection, progress monitoring, and program evaluation are conducted to assess the effectiveness of restorative practices in enhancing school safety, reducing racially disproportionate discipline, and improving overall student well-being.

Implementation and Support

Restorative Justice Facilitator
Our RJ Facilitators play a vital role in executing all aspects of our program, including:

  • Implement restorative interventions for referred youth, ensuring a proactive response to discipline referrals by assessing appropriate next steps.
  • Facilitate and co-facilitate various restorative practices, such as Restorative Conversations, Conflict Mediation Circles, Community-Building Circles, and Talking Circles, fostering engagement among students, staff, and families.
  • Participate in school CARE team meetings to strengthen and support restorative practices.
  • Data collection, progress monitoring, and program evaluation to assess the effectiveness of restorative practices in enhancing safety, reducing racially disproportionate discipline, referrals, incarceration, and recidivism.
  • Contribute to coordinating the re-entry of students returning from discipline (suspension, expulsion, incarceration), aiming to enhance access to support and connection with school site staff and resources.
  • Collaborate with various stakeholders, including school and district personnel, assigned police officers, and representatives of local agencies, to address investigations, criminal activities, gang activities, vandalism, and ensure the safety and security of the school site.
  • Consult with Principals and staff to address behavioral expectations and student needs effectively.
  • Conduct education workshops for students, staff,  parents and the community to enhance understanding and support for restorative and SEL practices.
  • Attend in-person meetings, training workshops, and educational conferences to continually enhance professional competence and stay updated on relevant developments.
  • Participate in camps, diverse programs, and activities designed to promote the overall well-being of students, parents, school staff, and the broader community.
  • Attend weekly meeting with your team and supervisor 

Program Outcomes:

  • Improved Reconciliation: Students reconcile and make amends through Harm Circles, Conflict Mediation Circles, and Support Circles, fostering healing and understanding.
  • Productive Classrooms: Classroom Peacemaking Circles and strategic resets restore a focused and respectful learning environment.
  • Personal Growth: Students develop essential skills in conflict resolution, self-management, self- awareness, relationships skills, social-awareness, responsible decisions-making skills, and emotional regulation, contributing to their overall personal development.
  • Enhanced Safety: The program reduces instances of bullying and conflict, creating a safer school environment.
  • Stronger Relationships: Trust and collaboration between students and staff are strengthened, fostering a positive school atmosphere.
  • Reduction in Disciplinary Actions: The need for punitive measures decreases as students learn more constructive ways to handle conflicts.


The StudioFive10 Restorative Justice Program is a comprehensive approach to fostering a culture of empathy, understanding, and positive growth within the school community. By addressing behavioral challenges through restorative interventions and providing ongoing support and training, the program aims to transform the school environment into a space where every student feels valued, supported, and integral to the community.

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